Welcome Note and Disclaimer
Hello love!
I'm so glad you have found your way here. This practice has been a game changer for helping me be more embodied in general, and build a more pleasure-centric life for myself. I hope it supports you, too.
Please read the following Disclaimer before proceeding:
While I am a Certified Somatica® Sex and Relationship Coach, I am not a mental health professional, or a licensed therapist. This practice is not a replacement for therapy or medical attention.
While my approach is trauma-informed, 1:1 guidance will not be available in this setting. So if you have experienced trauma, I ask that you take extra good care of yourself, participating only to the extent that you feel safe to do so.
Your participation in this practice is voluntary. Remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Please honor your boundaries and do only what feels supportive and good for you.
A note about breathwork and the practice:
During this practice, you'll be guided to breathe into your chest, your belly, and then your pelvic floor. You will actively be connecting with your genitals and sexuality. Doing so can be immensely healing because most people have distanced themselves from this part of themselves. This practice can help to awaken your connection with your genitals, arousal and sexual self - clearing away shame and guilt you might feel about this part of you - help you turn yourself on and feel more pleasure, and help you stay more present in your body during and outside of sex.
That said, while breathwork *is* an amazing healing and embodiment tool, it is *not* for everyone. I'm not someone who is going to tell you that you need to do breathwork to heal or be embodied.
I'll repeat what I said above: You don't have to do anything you don't want to do.
While a tremendous amount of healing can come from sitting with discomfort without judgement, I do not want you to endure something that is not feeling good or helpful for you, ever.
If you have done some breathwork and generally had positive experiences with it, then you should be fine proceeding. And if you've never done breathwork before but feel confident in your ability to modulate and take care of yourself, then you should also be fine with this practice.
Lastly, throughout the practice I guide you to take a "deep breath". It has been brought to my attention that deep breaths don't work for everyone. For some people they feel quite dizzy or like they will pass out taking deep breaths. If this is you, then I invite you instead to take any kind of breath that feels good for you.
A note about trauma:
If you are in active trauma please *do not* proceed with this practice. Please seek support from a licensed practitioner.
If you've experienced sexual or other forms of trauma, and have done some trauma work with a therapist, I invite you into the practice, just know that it may trigger you.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with questions. Or if you would like to schedule a session to receive personalized guidance through this practice. Here's my email: [email protected].
Enjoy xox,
Allie Andrews, Sex & Intimacy Coach